I put TikTok claim that 'Vaseline and aloe vera' can heal cracked heels overnight to the test

Cracked heels are painful and a total menace as anything that comes in contact with the broken skin gets stuck to it.

I for one, have always suffered from dry heels and any remedy proves useful for a while before my feet are back in their destructed form. I was thrilled when I found a beauty hack on TikTok that claimed to fix cracked heels overnight, so I tested it myself.


What is the ‘Vaseline and aloe vera’ hack for cracked heels?

Several TikTok users have claimed they could fix the crack in their heels overnight with a DIY remedy using items found at home. Here’s what you need.

  • Aloe vera pulp (fresh or pre-stored)
  • Coconut oil
  • Vaseline jelly
  • A pair of socks

How it’s done

  • Mix half a teaspoon of Vaseline jelly with an equal portion of aloe vera pulp.
  • Add a few drops of coconut oil to the mixture.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the solution on the cracked regions of your washed and scrubbed feet before going to bed at night.
  • Cover your feet with socks after applying the DIY remedy.

No, it doesn’t heal your feet overnight

All the ingredients used in the homemade remedy have moisturizing properties and are proven to soften your skin.

When I removed the socks in the morning, I noticed the soles of my feet were very soft and I couldn’t feel the cracks when I ran my fingers on them.

However, the cracked heels hadn’t “healed” overnight as the TikTok hack claims. I could still see the fine lines on my heels, which means, they had become soft by absorbing the Vaseline, coconut oil, and aloe vera.

To see if the hack would work better in the long run I tried it for two additonal nights. By the third night, my cracks were visibly lesser and my feet never felt softer.

Multiple factors could have healed my feet other than the moisturizing properties of the DIY remedy. The fact that I washed and scrubbed the dead skin every night. I wore socks for several hours, three nights in a row, thus protecting my heels from dust and other foreign substances.

I would be lying if I said the viral hack worked miracles overnight, but I also wouldn’t dismiss it because it did serve the purpose to a large extent by reducing the cracks on my heels and making my feet soft.