Trump Still Leading Biden: CNN Poll

A new poll shows Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden just six months ahead of the presidential election.

The CNN/SSRS poll reported Sunday found that Trump is ahead at 49% of the vote and Biden grabbing 43%.

Of those surveyed, 61% said Biden's presidency has been a failure, and he was knocked for inflation and his handling of the economy.

Trump's presidency was rated as a failure by 44%of those polled — down from 55% when he left office — and 55% rated it as a success.

The poll has a margin of error among registered voters of plus or minue 3.8%.

An ABC News poll on Thursday also found Trump leading in a head-to-head match, but by a squeaker thin margin — with 40.9% of likely voters going for Biden and 41.6% supporting Trump. ABC's own instituted "uncertainty" ranges revealed the results could actually be flipped.

The network's also fluctuating "poll averages" show Trump leading in most swing states, though "there is enough uncertainty that Biden could easily be ahead [by] enough to win the Electoral College," ABC pointed out.

Another poll released earlier this month showed Trump leading in swing states.

That poll, conducted by the Wall Street Journal, indicated that iTrump is leading Biden in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina.

Biden did get some good news in another recent poll. His approval rating among U.S. voters appears to be improving after sinking to an all-time low.

A recent national poll MonmouthPoll found Biden's job approval rating has increased 8 points since its rapid decline in December, with a 42% approval rating, compared to a 55% disapproval grade.

Americans believe both Joe Biden and Donald Trump did more harm than good during their presidencies on key issues facing the nation, and few adults say they personally benefited from either of the last two adminsitrations, another poll found.

More than half of the respondents say Biden hurt the country on issues related to the cost of living (58%), and immigration and border security (56%), according to the Associated Press-NORC poll.

As for the former president, those polled said his administration had a negative impact on voting rights (46%), abortion laws (47%), climate change (46%) and relations with foreign countries (47%).