Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez to announce decision on resignation

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is to announce on Monday whether he intends to resign as a result of allegations of corruption laid against his wife Begoña Gómez.

Sánchez unexpectedly announced on Wednesday that he was considering stepping down. He then cancelled all appointments and said he would make his decision known on Monday.

Sánchez, a socialist who took office in 2018, wrote on X that he needed to think about whether it was worthwhile continuing on the job given the baseless allegations made against his wife.

He said he needed to decide "whether it is worth it" to stay in office, despite "the mud pit" the right and far-right are making of politics, "whether I continue to stand at the head of the government or should step down from this great honour."

The allegations against Gómez, who does not hold public office, were laid by the right-wing Manos Limpias (Clean Hands) organization. It accused her of influence peddling and business corruption. Manos Limpias later acknowledged that the allegations were based on media reports that could be false.

The public prosecutor's office in Madrid last week also requested that a preliminary investigation into Gómez be dropped.

Under the constitution, should Sánchez step down, King Felipe VI will have to consult with the heads of the political parties before proposing a successor to parliament.

Sánchez could also remain in office and put a vote of confidence to parliament or announce early elections.

More than 10,000 people demonstrated in Madrid on Saturday, calling for him to remain in office. Some 5,000 turned out in the Spanish capital on Sunday evening. They held posters saying "Don't give up" and accusing the right-wing of resorting to "blackmail" and "fake news."