How Ukraine will protect F-16s at airfields: Air Force response

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Ukraine is gearing up with a set of measures to safeguard its fleet of F-16 fighters while they are stationed at airfields, according to the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Air Force, Ilia Yevlash.

"There are ongoing efforts to securely accommodate the F-16s in Ukraine so they can effectively carry out missions and defend our airspace," he said.

According to him, once Ukraine receives the fighters, the Defense Forces will be able to conduct various operations, including repelling air strikes and inflicting damage on adversaries.

"However, this necessitates proper preparation of their basing locations. It involves substantial costs, including underground shelters and bunkers. Therefore, methods are being developed on how best to deploy them," explained Yevlash.

He said that this will involve dispersed placement on various types of runways, making it difficult for Russians to detect Ukrainian aircraft. Various deceptive tactics will be employed to mislead potential aggressors.

F-16 for Ukraine

Ukraine will acquire F-16 fighters from its allies. The aviation coalition supplying these aircraft to Ukraine is led by the Netherlands and Denmark. In addition to the aircraft themselves, partners are also training Ukrainian pilots and engineers for their maintenance.

The Ukrainian Air Force has already reported that pilot training is nearing completion. Earlier, the United Kingdom announced the completion of training for Ukrainian pilots on its territory, with the next phase of training scheduled to take place in France.

It is expected that the first F-16 fighters will arrive in Ukraine later this year, but the exact delivery dates are currently unknown.