Murder of Ukrainians in Germany, escalation of situation at front - Weekend brief

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This weekend, two Ukrainians were killed in Germany, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, said that the situation at the front was worsening.

Read more about what happened over the weekend on RBC-Ukraine.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

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Russian brutally killed two Ukrainians in shopping center in Germany

On Saturday, April 27, two Ukrainians were killed in the German city of Murnau on the territory of a local shopping center. The perpetrator stabbed the men.

German law enforcement officers detained a 57-year-old man on suspicion of committing a double murder. He was a citizen of the Russian Federation. The investigation is currently underway.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the victims were preliminarily identified as military personnel undergoing rehabilitation.

Frontline situation escalating, Russia aiming to seize strategic initiative, Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief

The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, describes the situation on the front as escalating. The Russian Federation is attempting to seize the strategic initiative on the battlefield.

According to the Commander-in-Chief, the enemy actively attacks the entire front line, achieving tactical success in some directions.

Syrskyi explained that the situation is currently dynamic, with separate positions changing hands several times throughout the day, leading to an ambiguous understanding of the situation.

USA to build new Doomsday aircraft

The US Air Force has awarded a $13 billion contract to Sierra Nevada Corp to build an airplane, reports Reuters.

The US Air Force has awarded a $13 billion contract to Sierra Nevada Corp to develop a successor to the E-4B, known as the "Doomsday" aircraft because of its ability to survive a nuclear war.

The Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC) project is designed to replace the outdated 1970s-era aircraft, which are nearing the end of their service life.

To meet the operational requirements, the weapon system will consist of a commercial jet engine hardened and modified to meet military requirements.

Slovaks raise almost €4 million for Ukraine's ammunition despite authorities' refusal to help

After the Slovak authorities refused to support the Czech initiative to raise funds and search for ammunition for Kyiv, residents decided to raise funds on their own.

In 12 days, the people of Slovakia have raised almost four million euros. The money is to be used to buy shells for Ukraine.

As of April 27, 3,883,879 euros had been raised, and 60,552 people had joined the campaign.

The organizers of the collection earlier said that the campaign is aimed at showing that the majority does not agree with the change in the government's foreign policy after the September elections.

Orbán explains why he opposed EU aid to Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believes that the European Union should allocate as little financial aid as possible to Ukraine, which is repelling large-scale military aggression from Russia. According to him, Brussels should supposedly transfer the money to Budapest instead of Kyiv.

During an interview with the public radio station Kossuth Rádió, the Hungarian Prime Minister stated that the European middle class is suffering due to the allocation of EU financial aid to Ukraine.

Georgia protests again over scandalous law: Huge procession marches to parliament

On Sunday evening, Georgians again protested over the controversial law on foreign agents, which was recently passed by parliament in the first reading.

Last night, a march to the parliament building began in Tbilisi. The protesters are against the law on foreign agents.

Quite a few people have gathered near the parliament, waiting for the main part of the march to arrive.