Aubrey O'Day Claims Diddy Tried to Buy Her Silence With Publishing Rights

"I realized ... something really bad is coming," O'Day said.MEGA

Ex-Danity Kane singer Aubrey O'Day has claimed that Diddy tried to buy former Bad Boy Records artists' silence by making them sign NDAs in exchange for the publishing rights to their music, has learned.

O'Day, who declined to sign the agreement, told TMZ that she would have received just $300.30 for "a full release of all claims against Diddy and many other players ... I think he would probably be making moves to keep as many people quiet as possible."

O'Day who declined to sign the agreement.Mega

"When I went to look at the publishing deal, it said anything but I'm being made whole financially again," O'Day explained. "In fact, it asked me to not be able to have access to my story and my experience anymore. It asked me specifically to stay silent and never speak poorly about a human. So then I realized ... something really bad is coming."

“It’s just doing the right thing,” Combs told Variety after announcing in September that he was offering the publishing rights to Bad Boy artists. “I think that we as an industry, and as a people, have to look in the mirror and make a shift forward. It’s about evolving, leading by example and reforming an industry that needs it, in a world that needs reform.”

“It’s just doing the right thing,” Combs told Variety after announcing the deal last year.MEGA

O'Day got her big break after being discovered by Diddy on the MTV reality show Making the Band 3 in 2004. She formed Danity Kane with Dawn Richard, Shannon Bex, D. Woods and Aundrea Fimbres, but Diddy kicked her out of the girl group in 2008.

In a 2022 episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast, O'Day alleged that she was fired because she “wasn’t willing to do what was expected of [her] — not talent-wise, but in other areas,” adding that she was “the only girl that was in those types of positions.”

O'Day got her big break after being discovered by Diddy on the MTV reality show Making the Band 3 in 2004.mega

O'Day has been a vocal critic of Diddy for years. "What you sow, you shall reap," she wrote on her Instagram story when the embattled hip-hop mogul's mansions in Miami and Los Angeles were raided by federal authorities as part of a sex trafficking investigation last month.

"I pray this emboldens all of US victims to finally speak on what we have endured," she added. "There is no 'too soon' on this one, just 'too late.'"

Diddy is reportedly out for revenge after he 'clears his name' in his multiple legal battles.MEGA

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Diddy is also facing lawsuits from multiple women and a male music producer who worked on his 2023 Love Albumaccusing him of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment.

The rapper has denied all of the allegations against him.

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