'Not someone you want in charge': Morning Joe piles on Noem over puppy killing

Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough (MSNBC screenshot)

On Monday morning, the co-hosts and the entire panel on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" expressed dismay and disgust with Gov. Kristi Noem for admitting in her new book that she shot and killed a misbehaving 14-month-old puppy years ago and seemed proud of the revelation.

As co-host Mika Brzezinski read the details of Noem bragging about shooting the puppy known as Cricket in a gravel pit, Joe Scarborough repeatedly interjected "wow" and then questioned both her shooting the dog as well as her judgment in thinking it was a plus for her bid to Donald Trump's possible 2024 running mate to admit it in a book.

That led Brzezinski to take the Noem discussion a step further and suggest the South Dakota Republican does not have the temperament for higher office if she believed shooting a rambunctious puppy was her only recourse.

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"I'm having a hard time with this one," she began. "So I come from growing up on somewhat of a family farm run by Eastern European immigrants. We definitely had -- we were deer hunters, turkey hunters, geese. There was absolutely a sense of life and death with animals in our life, but there was never a joy in killing, and there was a respect to it and a process if you were hunting and if you brought home game."

"But this story was more about how she felt killing an animal, and that's what's scary about it," she pointed out. "The impatience, the kind of like a switch flipped in her brain, and she decided she needed to kill it. Like, this is not someone you want in charge, not someone thinking through."

Co-host Scarborough chimed in, "The most remarkable part of it is, and we can get serious here for a half second, the most remarkable part of it is, that the conservative movement has been so corrupted by Donald Trump and has reached such new lows that she actually put that in about the killing of a happy puppy because she thought it would help her with the base."

Contributor Johnathan Lemire added that "Donald Trump famously doesn't like dogs, so perhaps that was part of her calculation, as well."

"But it is — it is stunning, what a self-own this was," he continued. "To put this in her book and now stand by it. She put out a statement last night, you know, saying she acknowledged that some people were upset at her telling of the execution of her puppy named Cricket in a gravel pit. That's what it was: an execution of Cricket in a gravel pit."

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MSNBC 04 29 2024 06 05 19 youtu.be

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