RNC taps fake elector charged in Arizona scheme as national committeeman

State Representative Jake Hoffman speaking with attendees at a rally in Arizona. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

The Republican National Committee has apparently tapped one of the so-called fake electors charged in the Arizona election subversion case as Arizona's national committeeman.

Arizona state Sen. Jake Hoffman announced his selection just days after a grand jury handed up an indictment against him and other Donald Trump allies who allegedly signed phony documents identifying themselves as electors committed to the Republican who lost the state's popular vote to Joe Biden, reported CNN.

“I’m humbled and honored to have been elected as the next RNC National Committeeman for Arizona!,” Hoffman said Saturday in a post on X.

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Hoffman reportedly sent a two-page letter to then-vice president Mike Pence on Jan. 5, 2021, asking him to order that Arizona's electors should be selected by the state legislature and not the popular vote of its citizens.

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“It is in this late hour, with urgency, that I respectfully ask that you delay the certification of election results for Arizona during the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, and seek clarification from the Arizona state legislature as to which slate of electors are proper and accurate,” Hoffman wrote at the time.

Hoffman argued at the time that no electors be sent at all because there was no "certainty" in the election's outcome and vowed to challenge Democratic electors if they were sent, but he insists he's "innocent of any crime."

Trump himself was not charged in the Arizona case, but details in the indictment suggest he is “Unindicted Coconspirator 1.”

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