Putin's plan in Ukraine failed - US Secretary of State

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Photo: Getty Images)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that initial plans by Vladimir Putin to erase Ukraine from the map and incorporate it into Russia have failed, according to The Guardian.

Speaking at a World Economic Forum gathering in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, he stated, "On Ukraine, we were able to bring so many countries together, not just in Europe, but beyond, because countries recognize that there was an aggression, not only against Ukraine but against some of the foundational principles of the international system."

He emphasized that leaving this challenge unanswered would draw attention from potential aggressors, leading to more conflicts in our world.

Blinken noted that the coalition assisted "incredibly courageous Ukrainians repel the aggression, and now it's an ongoing effort, and ongoing struggle."

"The designs Vladimir Putin had regarding Ukraine from the very beginning, to erase it from the map and incorporate it into Russia, no longer exist. This has failed," he said.

Blinken also added that there is a plan that will enable Ukraine to succeed over time: "a strong country: militarily, economically, and democratically."

Recall that survey data from the Razumkov Center at the end of March 2024 show that 83% of respondents believe in Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia. However, compared to previous surveys, more people expect victory in the more distant future. For example, 22% of those who believe in victory think it will happen by the end of the current year, which is a lower percentage compared to a year ago when 50% believed victory would come by the end of 2023.