Palestinian Flag Replaces American Flag at Harvard Until Police Step In

Ben Curtis / AP

Anti-Israel protesters at Harvard University hoisted Palestinian flags on Saturday where an American flag usually flies on the campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In storied Harvard Yard, by a statute of John Harvard, protesters hoisted three Palestinian flags at about 6 p.m. when an American flag and any others flying there had been taken down for the evening.

In a little over half an hour, security was called to take down the flags, according to The Harvard Crimson.

Protesters yelled “Shame!” and chanted “Free, free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Video of Harvard students raising the Palestinian flag.

They did this an hour after the dean reiterated that participants in the encampment would be disciplined.

They’re making a mockery of Harvard — if that’s even possible anymore.

— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 27, 2024

Harvard spokesman Jonathan Swain said in a statement Saturday night that raising the flags was “a violation of University policy and the individuals involved will be subject to disciplinary action.”

The university has been scanning the IDs of student protesters and has warned of disciplinary action that could include withholding degrees at commencement.

“For well over 200 days, Harvard has ignored the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Until they agree to meet our demands to disclose and divest from Israeli apartheid and occupation, we will make Palestine unavoidable. We will continue this liberated zone and fly the spirit of Palestine!” Harvard protesters said in a post on social media.