Vice President Kamala Harris Addresses Criticism About Her Laugh

Kamala Harris said that she will never have a demure giggle while firing back at the judgment she has faced.MEGA

Kamala Harrisspoke about her experience as the first woman Vice President and pointed out that people still have "to get used to this," revealing she often has to brush off criticism that is not constructive to her role.

"I believe one should try to never let anybody take your power from you," Harris said during a sit-down interview, has learned. "And that includes knowing what is in your power to do and being intentional about it."

The VP explained that she takes some disapproval with a grain of salt.

"I mean, my staff, for example, sometimes they'll show me little things that just amuse me," Harris admitted during a chat with actress-turned-talk show host Drew Barrymore. "Like, apparently, some people love to talk about the way I laugh."

"Well, let me just tell you something. I have my mother's laugh," Harris continued. "And I grew up around a bunch of women, in particular, who laughed from the belly. They laughed. They would sit around the kitchen and — drinking their coffee, telling big stories with big laughs."

"I have my mother's laugh," Harris said, noting they would laugh from the "belly."MEGA

Harris said she will never have a demure giggle while firing back at the judgment she has faced for laughing "uncontrollably" at moments that some deem inappropriate.

Barrymore chimed in that she loved Harris' laugh as the VP made her point.

"And I think it's really important for us to remind each other and — and our younger ones: Don't be confined to other people's perception about what this looks like and … how you should act in order to be," Harris continued.

Barrymore chimed in that she loved Harris' laugh as the VP made her point.MEGA

A new CNN report noted that Harris appears to be more energized and engaged ahead of the 2024 election, adding that she may still not be able to win over those who don't approve of her or her politics as Biden takes on embattled GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

"Several people said Harris rubs them the wrong way, in all the ways that are familiar from criticism of her," it was claimed.

A new CNN report noted that Harris appears to be more energized and engaged ahead of the 2024 election.MEGA

"A few specifically cited her laugh — a frequent target of Republican operatives who flood clips of it on social media, which defenders say plays into sexism," according to the report which highlighted that Harris, of course, does have her own strengths that she will continue to utilize.

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People said they would much rather hear from Harris than Biden when it comes to abortion, guns, student loans, and Gaza.