GOP frets 'daredevil' D-Day parachute jump by members puts House majority at risk: report

Two men jump from a plane with parachutes. (

A group of adrenaline junkies in the Republican conference are making their colleagues nervous, since anyone sidelined by a mishap could destroy the GOP's razor-thin 217-212 majority in the House.

"That math means every member sidelined by a weekend-warrior mishap is a possible legislative crisis," writes The Wall Street Journal's Katy Stech Ferek.

As they hold the House with one of the smallest majorities in U.S. history, Republicans could be thrown into a "legislative crisis" should one of them become sidelined, making each member's attendance critical.

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It took two tries to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, due to GOP absences. More exits could in theory cost Republicans control of the chamber to Democrats before the next elections," Ferek writes, adding that Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) recently joked to House SpeakerMike Johnson that members should avoid dangerous activities while on break.

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“No bungee jumping, no swimming with sharks, no skydiving,” Malliotakis told Johnson.

Lawmakers speaking to The Journal say that Johnson hasn't pressured them to tamp down extreme hobbies. In a statement, Johnson's office said he's “always encouraging all members to honor the full duration of their terms in order to be as effective as possible in advancing our conservative priorities.”

But many GOP "daredevils" are heeding that advice, namely members who are planning a tribute to mark D-Day’s 80th anniversary by jumping out of WWII-era planes with parachutes onto the beaches of Normandy.

"Even routine sports can pack a punch, as seen when Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH), 68 years old, was wheeled into a recent House vote with his foot in a boot, courtesy of a pickleball mishap. His spokesman said it 'will not impede his ability to dutifully serve and represent his constituents,'" Ferek's report stated.

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