'Pup in a gravel pit?' Kimberly Guilfoyle mocked for new children's book about a puppy

Donald Trump, Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle speaking with attendees at the 2019 Teen Student Action Summit. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Days after it was revealed South Dakota Gov. Republican Kristi Noem fatally shot her family's feisty dog, Kimberly Guilfoyle announced the release of her new children's book, about a princess with a puppy for a best friend, and faced immediate mockery.

Guilfoyle, fiancée to former President Donald Trump's eldest son, announced Monday on X that her book "The Princess & her Pup" was available for pre-order from the "Pro-God, Pro-America Children's Books" publisher Brave Books.

"This heartfelt story that teaches children that it’s easier to be courageous with a friend by your side," wrote Guilfoyle.

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Her announcement prompted questions online about whether the new book was a dig at Noem, whose autobiography rails against the family's dog she "hated" so much that she led it to a gravel pit and shot it.

“It was not a pleasant job,” Noem wrote, “but it had to be done."

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Among the many questions Guilfoyle faced was from X user The United Spot, who asked simply, "Too soon?"

Another X user named David had a more specific question: "Is that a remake of ‘The Governor Shot Her Pup’?"

"Does this end with the pup in a gravel pit?" asked Cecelia.

Inside Edition's Lisa Guerrero also took part in the mockery, tweeting a picture of Guilfoyle and Noem with the message, "Either A) You’re very good at trolling or B) You should send a copy to your friend."

"If this is a dig at @GovKristiNoem, good job," Bruno Amato said. "If not, stop grifting!"

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Matthew Arthur-Gray suggested that the book be read at a "Drag Queen story hour." He went on to ask, "Any chance we can have @KristiNoem also read a few pages?"

"Hey @GovKristiNoem look: one of the real housewives hired a ghostwriter to create a book about you!" quipped X user "Overheard at the Costco."

"Man, is this an example of Really Horrible Timing!!" Robert Elisberg added. "I hope there isn't a sequel planned, 'The Prince & His Goat.'"

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