Students at Springwood High School in King’s Lynn has been helping causes near and far as part of their efforts to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’

Eco warriors at a Lynn secondary have been donating second-hand clothing to help two good causes.

Spearheaded by the school’s environmental committee, students and staff at Springwood High School took part in two separate clothing collections as part of their efforts to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’.

One initiative was a fundraiser for the Veterans at Ease charity, which provides mental health support for ex-servicemen and women and their families in the region and runs a charity shop in Lynn.

The Veterans at Ease charity benefited from the collections

Agnieszka Munns, environmental lead at the school, said: “Springwood High School has been supporting and working with this charity for a few years – for example, showcasing clothes on loan from their shop during the school’s annual fashion shows.

“The charity shop has also displayed original designs by the school’s A-Level fashion students.

“The assistant manager of Veterans at Ease, Lesley Dunn, was delighted at the generous donation from the school, and was happy to invite people to the newly refurbished and restocked community charity shop at Norfolk Street.”

The Springwood clothing collection was a big success

Springwood’s second clothing collection took place as part of the Bags2School scheme, with staff and students from Years 7 to 11 donating their unwanted clothes to raise money for the school, as well as to support those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The scheme, which has raised £48million for participating schools and businesses since its launch in 1999, collects and sells unwanted textiles to importers across Eastern and Western Europe, Africa, and Asia, and is currently working to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

Mrs Munns, who co-ordinated the collection, added: “The students and staff collected 280kg of donated clothing in total, as a way of fundraising, and are hoping to make a small profit of £115.

“This will further benefit and support our student-led activities around the school.

“More importantly, this fundraising helped develop a sense of community spirit, including pupils, staff, and parents, which was the main reason for this whole-school initiative.”