Blinken said US will be there if Russia sincerely wants to negotiate

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (GettyImages)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that the United States is ready to engage in negotiations with Russia if they demonstrate genuine willingness, citing Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the possibility of negotiations depends on the readiness of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

"It (the end of the war - ed.) depends mostly on Vladimir Putin and what he decides... So I hope that Mr. Putin gets the message and demonstrates a willingness to genuinely negotiate consistent with the basic principles that are at the heart of the international community and the UN Charter: sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence. If those are appropriately affirmed, there should be a resolution," he said in a conversation with the President of the World Economic Forum, Børge Brende, in Saudi Arabia.

Blinken said the unity of Ukrainians and the weakness of Russia. According to him, overall, Russia is weaker economically and militarily, considering the destruction of such a significant portion of its forces.

"At the same time, Ukrainians are united in ways that they’ve never been before, including united against Russia, which was not the case before 2014 when Russia committed the first aggression against Ukraine. And as I mentioned before, the NATO Alliance... is stronger and larger," said the US Secretary of State.

The head of the State Department also acknowledged that Europe's rejection of Russian energy resources is a strategic failure for Russia.

"Europe has moved itself away from dependence on Russian energy in extraordinary ways in just the space of two years. All of this represents, I think, a huge strategic setback for Russia. In many ways Putin has precipitated many of the things he’s sought to prevent. I hope that there’s recognition of that. And look, the minute that Russia demonstrates that it’s genuinely willing to negotiate, we’ll certainly be there, and I believe the Ukrainians will be there," Blinken said.

US assistance for Ukraine

On April 24, US President Joe Biden signed a law providing funds for assistance to Ukraine.

Two days after the announcement of US assistance, another package was allocated. It became the largest one.

Previously, the White House reported that Ukraine is already receiving weapons from the new package of US assistance.