Hamas prepares response to Israel's 40-day Gaza truce offer

Hamas on Tuesday was studying Israel's offer of a 40-day truce in the war on the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of hostages held since the Palestinian group's October 7 attack.

Returning to Qatar after the latest talks in Cairo, the Hamas delegation said it would "discuss the ideas and the proposal... we are keen to respond as quickly as possible," a Hamas source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Egyptian sources told Al-Qahera News that the Hamas delegation would "return with a written response".

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that the truce terms were "extraordinarily generous", while the White House asked fellow mediators Egypt and Qatar to increase pressure on Hamas to accept the latest push to halt the nearly seven-month-old war.

Relentless Israeli bombardment has devastated the Gaza Strip, flattening much of the territory and bringing its people to the brink of famine, while threatening to unfurl into a wider regional conflict. More than 34,000 people have been killed in the indiscriminate bombardment, mostly women and children.

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