Germany's Steinmeier warns of 'irresponsible populists' in EU vote

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at the conference "20 years of the Czech Republic in the EU: A vision for an enlarged Europe". The occasion of the trip is the Czech Republic's admission to the EU 20 years ago. Britta Pedersen/dpa

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called for a defence of democracy in the European Union ahead of the EU parliamentary elections in June.

"Within our European Union, fundamental democratic values, indeed the European project, are being called into question by irresponsible populists," Steinmeier said on Tuesday in Prague at a conference on the accession of the Czech Republic and nine other states to the EU 20 years ago.

"Let us realize what is at stake, especially now," he said. Once democracy has been achieved, it is not guaranteed for eternity, the president added.

"We know that the strength of liberal democracy, its tolerance, is also its most vulnerable point. And we know that we must defend ourselves and act defensively when those who despise democracy use this tolerance to attack it."

On May 1, 2004, the former Eastern Bloc states of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland as well as Malta and Cyprus joined the European Union. This was the largest enlargement in the history of the EU.

Today, the Czech Republic and Germany have every reason to celebrate this accession 20 years ago, Steinmeier said.

"We have all benefited from this step - not only economically, but above all as neighbours. And this success story will continue to be written."

The president pointed out that the Czech Republic had not introduced the euro and said the Czech Republic would have to decide for itself whether it wants to introduce the currency. "But my message is: if the Czech people decide to do so one day, you would all be very welcome in the eurozone."

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