Labour’s Herts Police and Crime Commissioner and Hertford & Stortford General Election candidates join forces in Sawbridgeworth on retail crime

Labour’s candidates to be Hertfordshire’s new police and crime commissioner (PCC) and the MP for Hertford and Stortford have pledged to tackle retail crime if elected.

Cllr Tom Plater and Cllr Josh Dean outlined their plans during a visit to the Central Co-op in Sawbridgeworth.

The London Road store’s staff and members of the Co-op’s loss prevention team shared their experiences of shoplifting, assaults on shopworkers and how criminality is taking a toll on the mental health and wellbeing of the community.

Cllr Josh Dean and Cllr Tom Plater, second and third from left, at Central Co-op Food outlet in Sawbridgeworth

In Hertfordshire, where the current PCC is Conservative David Lloyd, data indicates shoplifting has increased by 35% and, according to Labour, research shows nearly 50% of the public say they never see a police officer on the beat – up from 27% when the last Labour Government left office in 2010.

Cllr Plater, a Labour member for Letchworth on North Herts District Council, plans to tackle retail crime if he is elected on Thursday May 2 by designating a named police officer or police community support officer for each local shopping centre in Hertfordshire; using technology to make crime easier to report for shopworkers; and holding Hertfordshire’s Chief Constable Carlie Hall to account to improve the police response to retail crime.

Labour and Co-operative candidate Cllr Plater said: “Under the Conservatives, shoplifting in Hertfordshire has risen significantly and we have a retail crime epidemic across our county.

Cllr Tom Plater

“As your police and crime commissioner in Hertfordshire, I will focus resources back on proper neighbourhood policing and make sure that criminals no longer feel they have a free pass to steal from the local supermarkets that serve our community.

“With a Labour police and crime commissioner in Hertfordshire and a Labour Government in Westminster, we can make our county safer for our local communities across the county.”

Hertford town councillor Josh Dean, who is hoping to replace Conservative Julie Marson at the next General Election, added: “I’m grateful to the team at the Co-op for taking the time to share their experiences with us. No one should feel unsafe at work or in our community.

“Labour recognises the damage retail crime can do to our communities, especially in an essential local shop like the Co-op.

Cllr Josh Dean

“As our MP, I will work closely with the next police and crime commissioner, local police, businesses and residents to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in our community, and I’m glad the next Labour Government will bring forward legislation to tackle retail crime and deliver safer streets.”

Cllr Plater’s rivals for the PCC role are Conservative former Mid Sussex district councillor Jonathan Ash-Edwards, Green Party St Albans city and district councillor Matt Fisher and Liberal Democrat Cllr Sean Prendergast, who is also a member of North Herts District Council, serving a Letchworth ward.

The current PCC, Tory David Lloyd, decided not to stand again after serving three terms since the role was created in 2012.