iOS 17.5 is out now with tracker detection, News updates, and lots of security fixes


It’s been over a month since the release of iOS 17.4, which introduced a few minor tweaks (like new emojis) for all users, but it has a massive change to app distribution for those in the European Union. In compliance with the Digital Markets Act, that version allowed alternate app stores, changed policies and terms around apps, browsers that use their own engines, and more.

Typically, a new iOS version is followed almost immediately by a beta of the next point release, so the month-long absence of any iOS beta was a strange occurrence. With iOS 17.5 now available, we might not get an iOS 17.6 beta for some time (if ever), as Apple prepares to release an iOS 18 developer beta at WWDC in early June.

Update May 13: iOS 17.5 is now available for everyone.

iOS 17.5 release notes

These are Apple’s official release notes for iOS 17.5:

Apple News

Tracking Notifications

Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website:

iOS 17.5 security updates

There are a whopping 15 security updates in iOS 17.5! They include important fixes to security problems in frameworks like AppleAVD (the audio and video decoder), FindMy, Maps, Notes, screenshots, WebKit, and more.

To learn more about each of these, check out Apple’s page about the security content of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5. Suffice it to say there are quite a lot of fixes to multiple apps—a lot of “surface area” as they say—so updating your iPhone and iPad as soon as possible is recommended.

iOS 17.5: How to install

You will probably be prompted to install iOS 17.5 eventually, but that can take days or even weeks. If you want to update right away, follow these steps:

  • Open Settings.
  • Tap General.
  • Tap Software Update.
  • You’ll see the update appear, tap Download and Install (or Install Now if your iPhone has already downloaded it).
  • You’ll need to enter your passcode and your iPhone will restart after the installation downloads and installs.

Find out everything you need to know about iOS 17 in our iOS 17 superguide.

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