Dierre Hill Raves About Oregon Visit, Meeting Ra’Shaad Samples

2025 Belleville (Ill.) Althoff Catholic RB Dierre Hill at the Oregon Ducks Spring game. (Photo credit: Dierre Hill)

The Oregon spring game featured blue-chippers from all over the country as they flocked to Eugene to get a first-hand view of what Dan Lanning and the Ducks are building.

2025 Belleville (Ill.) Althoff Catholic running back Dierre Hill loved his first trip to Oregon, but he made it a priority to get back after a coaching change at his position.

“I just wanted to see, just feel the energy and the vibe of the game, the game tempo and just really see what Coach (Ra’Shaad) Samples has to offer,” Hill said. “I know he was coming in as a new coach, so I just wanted to see his perspective. I’m very blessed to be able to read energy, and I got a good vibe from him. I was just glad to get down there just to see what coach had to offer for me as a running back.”

Hill Hits it Off With Samples

“My first impression was he’s a very cool and good coach. I can tell just from out to jump, just how he interacted with just everybody, including his players. And he’s very smart. Our conversations where he sees me as a guy who could come in and potentially do big things there and be a part of the success that they have there already.”

Among the many highlights from his trip to Eugene was meeting one-on-one with the coaching staff, starting with Samples.

“The biggest one I would say was when my parents and I, we got the chance to just have a one-on-one talk with coach (Samples). He brought us into the office and we got to just talk and he went through some film with us, just a little bit about himself.

“He really just told us what he did and how he’s got to where he is now. And we watched film as well, a couple of his workouts. What made it special to me and I know for sure my parents as well—as he was breaking down his workouts and things they go through in practice, some of that related to me on my film and he had put that in there for us and we had seen it together. It definitely was special. I’ve never seen someone do that yet. It definitely meant a lot to us. And I was very shocked when I saw it. Honestly I really was.”

Adding to a great weekend at Oregon was his personal time with head man Dan Lanning. That interaction had a unique element to it.

The Lanning connection

“He brought us in his office. Before we even started talking, Coach Lanning, he’s a very genuine person he really is,” he said. “Just to start it off we started off playing Connect Four. Had a game of Connect Four going, very competitive game, but Coach ended up getting me. But I think that was very special it shows just true character. It was just a special time.”

Hill hasn’t had the chance to soak in a game atmosphere at Oregon yet, but he loved what he saw from a roaring Autzen Stadium.

“I haven’t really been to a game so just from it being a spring game it definitely shows they have a lot of love there and you could definitely tell it’s a football town. There were a lot of people there. A lot of fans and supporters, but it was a lot of the students there as well. I think the student section was almost fully packed, which means a lot. That shows that the school is fully invested in coming to support the football team.”

The versatile back had a high rating for his trip.

“I would definitely say it was a 10 for sure. It was definitely a good trip for me and my family. We enjoyed it.”

Ducks set the bar for Hill

“I would definitely say they’re at the top of the list for sure,” Hill said. “Even though with Coach (Locklyn) going, it’s sad that he had to go, but they still have a a great organization still and it’s a good program.”

The Illinois prep has two official visits set to Illinois (June 7-9) and Oregon (June 21-23).

He mentioned Ole Miss and Mizzou as two other schools to watch as he works toward a decision.

“My decision time, I had planned on doing it in August before my senior year, but I’m thinking to shorten that date as well,” he said. I’m thinking of going in late June or the beginning of July.”

The Ducks continue to be in a great spot here.

“Oregon, it was a good trip. I’m definitely looking to get that get back down there and see what all is up on the table. I have my official visit there so that will definitely be like the icing on the cake probably.”

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