Hollywood Star Russell Brand Under Fire for Messing with Tarot Cards a Day After Getting Baptized

@rustyrockets / X screen shot

Many have celebrated the news in recent days that British actor, comedian and activist Russell Brand has professed faith in Christ.

In a video posted Monday on X, Brand voiced enthusiasm for his new direction.

“Yesterday, I got baptized,” he said, looking directly into the camera. “And it was an incredible, profound experience. And many of you will have had your own experiences of baptism and will therefore know what I’m talking about.

“Many aspects of it were very intimate and personal. The truth is this -- as a person that has in the past taken many, many substances and always been disappointed with their inability to deliver the kind of tranquility and peace and even transcendence that I always felt I’ve been looking for -- something occurred in the process of baptism that was incredible.”

In his video, Brand expressed gratitude for those who’ve reached out to him acknowledging his Christian profession and was gracious in noting that some were skeptical of his conversion.