Canadian Conservative Leader Removed From House Of Commons For Defying Speaker, Insulting Trudeau

Canadian Conservative Leader was ejected from the House of Commons during a Tuesday session after defying the Speaker and hurling insults at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. (Screenshot/X/CanadianPolling)

A Canadian Conservative Leader was ejected from the House of Commons during a Tuesday session after defying the Speaker and hurling insults at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Pierre Poilievre was ejected for the remainder of the day after clashing with House Speaker Greg Fergus, according to Daily Wire. Poilievre’s incendiary remarks describing Trudeau’s drug policy as “wacko” instigated the exchange. During a question period, Poilievre attacked Trudeau’s policy, which drew applause from his Conservative colleagues. However, Fergus, a member of the Liberal Party, called the language unparliamentary and demanded a retraction.

Fergus emphasized the necessity for decorum.

“There are a couple of things that are going on here today that are not acceptable. And I ask all members, please, to control themselves,” Fergus said, Daily Wire reported. “I’m going to ask the honorable leader of the opposition to withdraw that term which is not considered parliamentary.”

When asked to withdraw the term wacko, the politician retorted. “I’ll replace it with radical,” Poilievre said. “Mr. Speaker, I replace the word ‘wacko’ with ‘extremist.’”

Despite repeated requests from Fergus, the lawmaker continued to defy the chair’s authority, resulting in his removal from the session, Daily Wire reported. Later, Poilievre took to the social media platform X to reiterate his criticism of Trudeau.

“Today the Liberal speaker censored me for describing Trudeau’s hard drug policy as wacko,” he wrote. “6 people dying from overdoses every day in BC is wacko. Kids playing next to used syringes is wacko. Nurses worried about breastfeeding after breathing in toxic drug fumes is wacko. This is a wacko policy from a wacko PM that’s destroying lives.”