Newbury champions look to Barcelona

The Newbury District PSFA (Primary School Football Association) Girls U11s are champions.

The girls were crowned champions in the Southern Counties League after their 5-2 victory over Chiltern in March.

Champions Newbury District PSFA

And they finished off their title-winning campaign on home turf, beating visitors Gloucester 5-0, on April 20.

The girls needed the three points at Chiltern in order to seal the victory following an earlier 5-3 win over Wokingham.

In both of these games, the girls felt the pressure and found themselves 2-0 down within the first ten minutes.

Newbury District PSFA vs Gloucester

But, both times, they pulled it back with a 5-3 win over Wokingham and a 5-2 victory over Chiltern which saw them come home with the title and a bottle of ‘Nosecco’.

And their win over Gloucester was the icing on the cake – with the ‘invincibles’ not losing a league game all season.

It was a dominating display from Isla Ladds with three goals and Sophia Kocovska with two.

Newbury District PSFA vs Gloucester

Coach Matt Winch said he was proud of the girls’ mentality.

“I get a bit emotional about it if I am being honest,” he said.

Newbury District PSFA vs Gloucester

“It is huge for the girls.

“When we were two nil down in Chiltern, we were looking at each other like how?

“We just weren’t getting a look in.

“At halftime we had a talk and in the second half they came out firing.

“It was full on.

He added: “We are still unbeaten and they were over the moon.

“What a day.”

And now the girls are looking to a trip to Barcelona for an annual football tournament.

They’ll represent the local area on an international stage playing against teams from all over the world.

Last year’s team played against teams from Finland, Spain and the USA amongst others.

They have been fundraising in preparation, including a collective ‘Barcelona and Back’ challenge.

This entails the collective run, swim and cycle of 1,048 miles.

They were also invite to Tesco in Newbury in March and took turns on exercise bikes to cover as much ground as possible.

In this particular event they cycled 55.2 miles in around 2.5 hours. In that time, shoppers donated £212.25.

Their fundraising page can be found at

So far, the girls have raised £1,337 of their £2,000 goal.