Ramsgate woman jailed after fatal stabbing of young man in London

A woman has been jailed after a young man was stabbed to death with her help.

Christina Manen of Ramsgate was one of five criminals sentenced over the killing of 25-year-old Jordan Briscoe in March, 2023.

Christina Manen, 37, of Lancaster Close, Ramsgate has been jailed for manslaughter. Picture: Metropolitan Police

A jury heard how Manen, 37, lured the victim to Arnold Road, Tottenham, on the pretence of buying drugs from him.

But in reality, she was not even in London and had drawn him to the scene of the crime to afford four men the chance to carry out a fatal attack.

Karl Black, 43 of Cassiobury Road, E17, Jahoe Allen, 34 of Kings Road UB8, Ayyub Kigoz, 19, of Salop Road and Jabir Sitar, 21 of Clacton Road, E17, were all found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey on March 22.

CCTV footage seen by the court shows Jordan leaving his house to make the deal.

At 9.53pm, doorbell footage recovered by officers shows a group surround and talk to him for around 11 minutes, asking him about drugs, his name and age and his religion.

They then move out of the camera’s view and carry out the fatal attack.

Jahoe Allen, 34, of Kings Road, UB8, and Ayyub Kigoz, 19, of Salop Road were also found guilty of the London Murder. Picture: Metropolitan Police

One person can be heard saying ‘let’s go, let’s go’ before they are captured leaving the scene.

Whilst Black had planned the attack, he tried to distance himself by remaining out of Arnold Road, but close enough to control what was going on.

Before the attack Allen is seen outside of the house appearing to do a jabbing motion towards the stomach area of his co-accused, pre-empting what was about to happen.

Police were called to Arnold Road, N15 at around 22:15hrs on Sunday, 5 March 2023.

Officers began first aid, alongside colleagues from the London Ambulance Service, but Jordan was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at hospital.

A post-mortem examination found the cause of death to be sharp force trauma to the chest.

Karl Black, 43, of Cassiobury Road, E17 and Jabir Sitar, 21, of Clacton Road, E17, were found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey. Picture: Metropolitan Police

Claudette Briscoe, Jordan’s mother, said: “Our dearest Jordan was only 25 years old.

“He is not coming back and those sentenced are responsible for Jordan not being with his family and friends today.

“Our lives will never be the same due to the senseless actions of these men and woman.

“We would like to thank the police investigation team and the prosecution team for all their hard work”.

At the same court on March 30, Manen, of Lancaster Close, was given a three-year sentence for manslaughter, while Black, Allen, Kigozi and Sitar were given sentences of 27 and a half years, 25 and a half years, 17 years and 19 years respectively.

Kigozi’s jail term also includes a concurrent two-year sentence for robbing Jordan of his mobile phone around the same time of his death.

The hearings took place at the Old Bailey in London

Detective Chief Inspector Linda Bradley, who led the investigation, said: “Jordan’s family remain devastated by his loss and our thoughts are with them.

“These four men carried out a pre-meditated and violent attack after luring Jordan to the scene.

They all gave evidence during their trial, but tried to blame each other.

“The jury saw through their lies.

“Our investigation showed that Black planned the attack with others and used Manen to lure Jordan from his home address.

“We are pleased the jury accepted our evidence and that these five defendants will now face a significant amount of time behind bars.”