Vampire Facials: How your own blood can give you smooth, wrinkle-free skin

Kim K popularised vampire facials [Dailymail] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

Here's what you need to know about vampire facials.

The vampire facial, also known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, offers a tempting promise: harness your body's natural healing power for younger-looking skin. The name is probably because vampire drink blood and never age.

This innovative procedure combines microneedling with PRP, a concentration of growth factors found in your blood.

The benefits of vampire facials

1. Youthful glow: PRP application can stimulate collagen and elastin production, reducing wrinkles and leading to firmer, smoother skin.

2. Scar reduction: Microneedling with PRP may improve the appearance of acne scars.

3. Even skin tone:PRP may help reduce hyperpigmentation and create a more even complexion.

Many celebrities, like Kim Kardashian and Tiwa Savage, use vampire facials to look younger. Tiwa Savage told Vogue that Barbara Sturm has a little bit of her blood plasma. “She takes the plasma from my blood to make this face cream only for me—only for Tiwa.” She said.

Vampire facials [businesstoday]

The risks of vampire facials

While the potential benefits sound appealing, there's a crucial risk to consider. A documented case of HIV transmission has been linked to vampire facials performed at an unlicensed facility with improper hygiene practices.

In 2018, a cluster of HIV cases emerged in New Mexico, all traced back to a single spa offering vampire facials. Investigators believe the transmission occurred due to unsterile injection practices.


If you're interested in this procedure:

1. Choose a board-certified dermatologist: Seek treatment from a licensed dermatologist who uses sterile equipment and follows recommended safety protocols.

2. Ask about infection control: Don't hesitate to inquire about the spa's infection control procedures.

3. Use licensed spas: Avoid establishments that lack proper licensing or operate outside recommended safety guidelines.