Met Office yellow weather warning issued as thunderstorms expected to sweep West Berkshire and North Hampshire

Thunderstorms are expected to sweep West Berkshire and North Hampshire over the next two days.

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for the south of the country.

A weather warning has been issued for thunderstorms

Thunderstorms are expected later this evening (Wednesday), at around 11pm and through the night until 6am tomorrow.

Another warning for thunderstorms is in place from 11pm tomorrow (Thursday) and through the night until 6am on Friday.

It will bring spells of heavy rain accompanied by frequent lightning with potential for 15 to 25mm of rain to fall in one or two hours in a few places.

This could lead to travel disruption and some flooding.

The Met Office said hail and gusty winds may also affect a few spots.

There is also a chance of delays and some cancellations to train and bus services.

And the warning also says there is a slight chance that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost.

There is also a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail or strong winds, the Met Office warns.