Around 30 injured in May Day wagon accident in Germany

Around 30 people participating in a traditional May 1 celebration were injured in an accident involving an agricultural vehicle in Germany.

Police said Wednesday that 10 people had suffered serious injuries in the incident in the village of Kandern, near the borders with France and Switzerland.

None of the injuries were considered life-threatening, but three people were taken to hospital in rescue helicopters.

The vehicle, a so-called "May wagon" consisting of a tractor pulling an open trailer as part of May Day festivities, tipped onto its side on a sharp bend.

A police spokesman said that the driver was being investigated on suspicion of negligent bodily harm.

It was still unclear why the vehicle crashed, as the spokesman said it was almost stationary when it tipped over. "The investigation will focus on whether too many people were loaded onto the vehicle," he said.

Injuries were also reported in two other incidents relating to May Day celebrations to usher in the start of summer.

In Germany's southern state of Bavaria, a falling maypole injured three children aged between 5 and 12 years old and a 52-year-old woman.

Another accident in the Tyrol region of Austria saw a 7-year-old boy seriously injured when a gust of wind brought down a 30-metre-high maypole.

In an ancient custom, communities erect tall tree trunks around which dances and other activities take place.