Police kill 'active shooter' outside Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin middle school

A 14-year-old boy was killed by police after opening fire outside Mount Horeb Middle School near Madison, Wisconsin, according to local officials. No one inside the school was injured.

The incident began just after 11 a.m. on Wednesday when officers were called to the middle school for reports of an active shooter. Details about the circumstances of the shooting were not immediately known.

“There has been an active shooter at our middle school this morning. The individual did not breach entryway,” the Mount Horeb Area School District said in an initial message to parents.

Footage from the scene showed one person – later identified as the 14-year-old suspect – receiving CPR near the school building. He was later pronounced dead. His identity was not immediately released.

“An initial search of the middle school has not yielded additional suspects,” the school district said in an update. “As importantly, we have no reports of individuals being harmed, with the exception of the alleged assailant.”

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office said the shooting suspect was armed with a rifle but provided no other details. An emergency alert sent to residents warned people to stay inside and lock all doors until further notice.

Mount Horeb is a town about 15 miles west of Madison or 90 miles west of Milwaukee.