'Beyond logical': Trump camp fumes as right-wing media courts opponent

Donald Trump (Photo via Saul Loeb for AFP)

The co-chairman of former President Donald Trump's campaign is fuming about right-wing media giving friendly interviews to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — who could potentially trip up Trump's bid to retake the White House.

Polling suggests that Kennedy, an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, could take voters from both Biden and Trump, which is why Politico reports that Trump insiders are growing nervous that he's scoring interviews with right-wing media stars such as Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck and Megyn Kelly.

“It is concerning and beyond logic,” said Chris LaCivita, Trump’s co-campaign manager, told the publication. “That there are some conservative platforms that continue to give a voice to someone that has called the NRA a terrorist group, who believes in eliminating gas-powered engines, believes in a 70% tax bracket and generally subscribes to the same school of thought as Karl Marx.”

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Two other sources who spoke anonymously to Politico confirmed the frustration within Trump circles about RFK Jr.'s friendly chats with right-wing media sources.

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Matt Gorman, a former communications adviser for Sen. Tim Scott’s presidential campaign, said RFK Jr.'s eclectic political views could be a magnet for disaffected voters on both the left and the right.

"I think sometimes, Republicans tend to lull ourselves into believing, ‘Oh, he’s just taking votes from Biden,'" he said. "No, he’s going after everybody.”

Although Kennedy has long been a conspiracy theorist, he generally felt more comfortable as a member of the fringe left, where he pushed bogus claims about vaccines and about the 2004 election being stolen.

That began to change, however, when conservatives raised suspicions about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines and they found in Kennedy a willing champion.

Since then, Kennedy has also tilted right when it comes to issues such as immigration and the rioters who violently assaulted the United States Capitol building on January 6th, 2021.

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