Russia produces several dozen cruise missiles per month — Defense Intelligence

Cruise missile interception

According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russia retains approximately 40 Zircon hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, with production rates of up to 10 monthly.

Around 400 Oniks cruise missiles remain at Moscow’s disposal, with a similar output of up to 10 units per month.

The Russian Navy has approximately 270 Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles, with a production rate of 30 to 40 units per month.

Only 45 Kh-69 air-launched missiles remain in stock, with only three being manufactured monthly.

Earlier, Ukrainian officials warned of potential Russian missile attacks on Ukraine during the Orthodox Easter festivities.

Read also: How do Russia's Kh-69 missiles measure up against the West's best?

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski