Head of European Commission on protests in Tbilisi - Georgia stands at crossroads

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has reacted to the situation in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, where attempts by law enforcement officers to disperse mass protests continue following the adoption by the country's parliament of the controversial foreign agents law, according to the Twitter of the head of the European Commission.

She noted that she is following the events in Tbilisi with great concern.

"I am following the situation in Georgia with great concern and condemn the violence on the streets of Tbilisi," von der Leyen said.

Regarding the Russian law in Georgia, which caused a wave of outrage in the country's society and was criticized by the European Union, she noted the Georgian people's desire for a European future for their country.

"Georgia is at a crossroads. It should stay the course on the road to Europe," von der Leyen emphasized.

Law on foreign agents in Georgia and the protests in Tbilisi

Earlier, it was reported that despite mass protests on the streets of Tbilisi, the Georgian Parliament on May 1 adopted in the second reading the foreign agents bill, which protesters oppose.

Afterwards, in the evening in the Georgian capital, law enforcement officers resumed attempts to disperse protesters, who had set up barricades near the parliament building last night. Law enforcement officers, in particular, are using rubber bullets and other special means to disperse the rally.

It should be noted that in the European Parliament, due to the use of violence against protesters in Tbilisi, calls have already been made to deprive Georgia of its candidate status for EU membership.

For more details on the events in Tbilisi and the controversial foreign agents law in Georgia, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.