'College drop out': Trump buried for listing Sean Hannity among legal experts on his side

(Jeffery Edwards / Shutterstock.com)

Donald Trump has all kinds of esquires in his corner. And he's not bashful to name them.

Only during a rally stop in Freeland, Michigan on Wednesday he included an odd name among the company of respected legal minds: Fox News anchor Sean Hannity.

"All of that being said the fake charges — we've had tremendous reviews from great people: Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, Mark Levine, Greg Jarrett, Sean Hannity — so many people. But great experts. Great legal experts."

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He then proceeded to mention another high-profile defense attorney.

"Alan Dershowitz just came out saying there's no case; there's not crime. He didn't do anything wrong."

Former President Donald Trump is facing a criminal trial accusing him of falsifying business records involving payments to buy the silence of a woman alleging sexual affairs — porn star Stormy Daniels — to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election.

Trump has denied the affairs and pleaded not guilty.

Then Trump took a moment to flatter himself.

"These are people, not everyone of them love me," he proudly admitted. "These are people that want to speak the truth... there's no case."

Among the list of truth seekers at least three (Levine, Jarrett, and Hannity) have hosted TV shows on Fox News. But only Hannity appears to be the student who failed to complete his college education.

The Long Island, New York, native first attended both New York University and then Adelphi University before quitting without a degree to embark on a broadcasting career.

The Hannity add-on to other established names in the lot didn't go over the heads of many.

"Sean Hannity didn’t graduate from college, much less law school," posted @StickyBunny.

@mealfitforaking echoed this: "Sean Hannity, college drop out with zero legal experience."

Rose Benson took a dig at Hannity and Trump, writing: "You mean Michael Cohen’s [sic] other client?

Hannity admitted the former President Donald Trump's former fixer and attorney Michael Cohen — who is now a witness to the prosecution in the criminal hush money trial — had an "attorney-client privilege."

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