Ukraine negotiating seven security agreements, including one with US — Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

He spoke about Kyiv’s ongoing work with seven of its international partners to sign bilateral security cooperation agreements, which are meant to bolster Ukraine’s post-war security until it becomes a full NATO member.

“Arms, finances, political cooperation — today, I worked with my team on the specific details of these documents, and we already have draft texts of the deals...,” said Zelesnkyy.

“We’re filling the drafts with stronger capabilities for Ukraine and for our joint security with partners. It’s obvious that priority is given to everything that provides more protection from Russian aggression.”

Read also: Zelenskyy proposes security agreement to Hungarian counterpart

Zelenskyy had earlier stated that existing security agreements with other countries have greatly assisted Ukraine in the past six months when aid from the United States was delayed. According to him, certain military equipment purchases had been funded through nine such security agreements.

As of April, Ukraine has signed nine security agreements with the UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, and Latvia.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski