Simon Jordan surprised by what Howard Webb never mentioned when discussing Nottingham Forest vs Luton incident

Simon Jordan doesn’t believe that Howard Webb has answered all of the questions posed by Nottingham Forest.

The Reds were shellshocked last month when Anthony Taylor and Stuart Attwell failed to award them at least three penalties at Everton.

Now, the recording between the match officials has come to light – and it’s left more questions than answers.

Attwell was heard to call the third appeal – a foul on Callum Hudson-Odoi – nothing more than a tussle.

That decision appears blatantly wrong but Forest have to deal with it and move on to the final three games.

After the game, Forest released a statement that drew critique from Alan Shearer.

Now, Jordan doesn’t feel as though Webb has completely put the mind of Forest at rest with his answers that came out this week.

Photo by David Lodge/FilmMagic

Simon Jordan surprised at Howard Webb interview

These interviews done by Michael Owen for Sky Sports leave a lot to be desired and appear to just irritate fans.

The transcript of Attwell and Taylor during that game is just remarkably inept.

After the game, Forest accused Attwell of being a Luton fan – but Owen failed to quiz Webb on those claims and that surprised Jordan.

He said onTalkSPORT: “You would have thought that Howard would have wanted to push back on the underlying narrative that Forest wanted to advance of Stuart Attwell being a Luton fan.

“The question that needed to be asked of Howard is about the standard of referees too. The standard of referees isn’t good enough both on the field and in VAR. He needs to have that question asked of him – are the standards high enough?

“Graeme Souness says that VAR is embarrassing and I think that’s a genuine question to put to him. I maintain that this narrative would come.

“I don’t like that we can move the narrative into conspiracies. It needs to stick with the technology and I don’t think VAR is where it needs to be.”

Forest must move on from this debacle with Webb

Jordan raises some very good points and nothing against Owen but he shouldn’t be doing the interviews with the PGMOL chief.

The interviews are very fluffy, rather scripted and all a little cosy for Webb.

What it needs is a Dave Jones, Laura Woods or Rob Wotton – of Ref Watch fame – there to ask the questions that need to be answered.

Forest were right to raise suspicion about Attwell, however, the manner in which they went about it probably wasn’t right.

Still, Webb could have been given the chance to nip that one in the bud but instead, he focused on defending the match officials who clearly made a number of errors.

The current VAR system just isn’t fit for purpose – and boy do Forest know it.

Webb has some big problems to solve and the whole thing just feels like it needs resetting at the moment.

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