Most Ukrainian refugees are ready to return from abroad under some conditions

Illustrative photo (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Most Ukrainians still plan to return to Ukraine (26% definitely and 26% rather), according to data from a survey by Info Sapiens.

The final end of the war/cessation of hostilities and airstrikes, a higher standard of living in Ukraine, and the possibility of finding well-paid work are factors that will encourage Ukrainian refugees to return to Ukraine.

Most children also want to return to Ukraine, but their share is slightly smaller than among adults (22% definitely, 25% rather). The most willing to do so are children aged 6-14 and those attending Ukrainian schools.

The research agency Info Sapiens conducted a survey of Ukrainian migrants residing outside Ukraine in December 2023 - January 2024. The survey was not conducted among Ukrainians residing in Russia or Belarus. A quota sample was formed for the study based on data from the European Statistics Service, as well as official data on the number of Ukrainians who have emigrated to the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. The survey method was SMS distribution with a link to an online questionnaire. The total number of respondents was 1000 individuals.

70% of Ukrainian refugees are satisfied with living in the country of their current residence. However, 39% of Ukrainian adult refugees prefer living abroad rather than in Ukraine, and 38% think conversely.

23% of Ukrainian refugees earn more money working abroad than in Ukraine, and 28% make much more than before the war.