These 8 N.J. towns were among the priciest in the nation. See full list.

New Jersey has some of the most expensive homes in the nation, according to the latest data from Zillow.

Eight New Jersey towns in March made the top 150 list of most expensive homes nationwide. The list includes home values for newly constructed and older properties that have and have not been listed for sale. Deal, Alpine and Avalon topped the list in New Jersey, where all homes ranked were over $1.9 million, and most were located at the Jersey Shore.

John Natale, the owner of Natale Realtors in Wall Township, said many Jersey Shore towns made the list because more wealthy people are buying there.

“There’s a lot of very wealthy New Yorkers that have now established themselves and bought summer homes down here at the Shore rather than the Hamptons,” said Natale, who sells homes in Monmouth and Ocean counties. “Because places like Sea Girt, you’re getting that at a quarter of the price of the Hamptons.”

A note about the data: Zillow calculates typical home values using a formula that is similar to the median, Jeff Tucker, senior economist at Zillow told NJ Advance Media in an interview.

Can’t see the table? Click here.

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