'Trouble if he wins, trouble if he loses': Morning Joe guest 'freaking out' over election

President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Phoenix, photo by Gage Skidmore.

Donald Trump refused to rule out election violence if he loses in November, and a panelist on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" sounded alarm bells.

The former president, who has been indicted in two cases related to his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, told Time Magazine that the possibility of violence depended on "the fairness of election," and host Joe Scarborough and guest Donny Deutsch agreed that Trump was plainly threatening "trouble" regardless of the outcome.

"His apologists who will write this in an op-ed, laughing, 'Oh, they're saying Donald Trump is' -- no, Donald trump's own words say," Scarborough said. "They don't suggest, they say he will subvert democracy if he doesn't win, and if he does win, it'll be worse. He will subvert democracy more. He will fire prosecutors who will not arrest his political opponents. He said it."

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Deutsch agreed, saying that Trump was not hinting or joking but clearly threatening to act as a dictator on Day One, as he has claimed.

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"He says what he is going to do," Deutsch said. "What he is going to do to your point, Joe, is have the FCC report to him so he'll be able to control shows like this. He wants the FCC to report to him. He wants the Insurrection Act to turn military troops on his own people. He wants to weaponize, as you said, the Department of Justice to go after his enemies. He wants women on a register for abortion if he wins."

Scarborough predicted conservatives would twist their words and claim they had misrepresented Trump's stated intentions, but he said they were accurately quoting the former president.

"Somebody out in the Trump sort of stratosphere will put on a website and say, 'Look at Donny Deutsch freaking out, right?'" Scarborough said. "That's their ploy, that's the lie. I will say, you know, I love the Wall Street Journal editorial page. I disagree with them a lot, but they will have people, like, writing op-eds, that will take what you just said and lie to their readers. They let them lie to their readers and say, 'Look at the media.' I've read more of this: 'The media are being hyperbolic' – no, we are repeating his words. When we repeat his words, when I repeat his words as a conservative – and you found out this past week, I'm a conservative – like, live by the law. Whether it's on college campuses, at the border, or whether you're a president of the United States that lost an election, live by the law, right?"

Deutsch said there really was no more charitable reading of Trump's own words, and that he planned to encourage violence if he lost the election, and he posed another type of threat if he won.

"I just use his words," Deutsch said. "I just talked about if he wins. If he loses, he will tell people to take to the streets with violence – he's telling you, he's telling us. If he wins, we're in trouble. If he loses, we're in trouble."

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