Watch: Trump Stares Down Heckler, Tells Him to 'Go Home to Mom' as He Gets Drowned Out by 'USA' Chant

Alex Wroblewski - AFP / Getty Images

If anyone knows how to deal with a heckler it's former President Donald Trump.

During a rally at the Waukesha County Expo Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Wednesday, as he was talking about restoring the police's ability to maintain peace as universities are overrun by anti-Israel protests, someone in the crowd began shouting.

It is unknown whether the person was upset about the former president saying it "was a beautiful thing to watch" the demonstrators being arrested or simply showed up to express disdain for Trump.

But the heckler's moment in the spotlight probably didn't go as he hoped.

As the man shouted from the crowd, chants of "USA" drowned out his pathetic cries, rendering them into a drop of water in a sea of patriotic cheers.

Whenever the crowd begins to react, Trump can't help but join in on the fun.

"Where did he come from?" the former president said.

After thanking his supporters for their chants, he told the heckler, "Go home to mom, right? Go home to your mom."

"Say hello to mother," Trump said. "Oh, she's gonna be angry. Because she's watching right now on television. She's watching on television. She's saying, 'That's my son.'"

He then joked about how the "fake news" would report it as "pandemonium" despite it being only one person shouting something that Trump couldn't even understand.

The Republican presidential candidate is no stranger to haters, having to constantly deal with a media that demonizes him and liberals who have been brainwashed into assuming he will burn the country to the ground.

With such a history of handling dissent, it's no wonder Trump can so quickly turn what others would find a moment of annoyance into a moment of victory.

One person who wishes to throw snipe remarks against him in a sea of supporters wouldn't even phase the former president.

Trump handled it far better than President Joe Biden would have; he frequently snaps at reporters for asking questions he doesn't like.

While so many people want to claim Trump doesn't have presidential decorum, doesn't this prove just the opposite?