Iranian University Offers Scholarships to US Students Expelled Over Pro-Hamas Protests

Etienne Laurent / AFP via Getty Images

Are you a college student? Has your anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas protesting been so egregious that it's gotten you expelled from a U.S. university? The Islamic Republic of Iran has got good news for you!

In perhaps the surest sign of who's on the right side of history when it comes to the anti-Israel riots that have spread like far-left chickenpox across American college campuses, a school in the Middle East's premier pariah state has said it will give scholarships to students kicked out of college for their roles in the demonstrations, Newsweek reported Wednesday.

Shiraz University \-- described by Iranian state-run English-language outlet PressTV as an "internationally renowned university" -- said that it would be offering scholarships to those who've managed to get themselves booted from U.S. schools.

According to PressTV's report, Mohammad Moazzeni, head of the university, announced it "has expressed readiness to grant scholarships to the students expelled for pro-Palestine demonstrations in the United States and Europe."

Moazzeni, the outlet reported, "announced the decision at a gathering of university students and professors of Shiraz, the capital city of the southern Iranian province of Fars, in solidarity with American and European students supporting Palestinians in the months-long Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip."

PressTV never mentions that the cause of the "months-long Israeli aggression" was the Oct. 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas terrorists who attacked from the Gaza Strip -- mass murder of Jews is apparently too trivial a matter to bring up.

Moazzeni "said what is taking place in Gaza reveals the nature of Western civilization and the truthfulness of the message of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution, one of the great causes of which was supporting Palestine," the agitprop piece continued.

"They exert a lot of violence in order to contain this raging movement and have even threatened to expel the students from universities and hinder their employment in the future, and such autocratic methods show the decline of global arrogance," Moazzeni is quoted as saying.

Iran's internationally renowned Shiraz University to grant scholarships to expelled pro-Palestine students in US, Europe

— Press TV 🔻 (@PressTV) May 1, 2024

Yes, the school authorities are the violent ones -- as you can see from these protests at UCLA, where the storm trooper of the anti-Israeli, pro-Hamas faction are acting as exemplars of nonviolent resistance in the vein of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi.

WARNING: The following videos contain violence and vulgar language that some readers may find offensive.

Jewish students blocked from going to class at UCLA

— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) May 1, 2024

UCLA was looking like a war zone last night.

— Sabrina Smolders 🦋🌹 (@SabrinaSmolders) May 1, 2024

UCLA 🚨 3:03 am - LAPD closing in on Pro Palestine encampment as they chant “PIGS GO HOME!”.

— Anthony Cabassa (@AnthonyCabassa_) May 1, 2024

UCLA 🚨 3:20 am, LAPD has successfully cleared the area separating both factions. However, overhearing police, their orders are not to arrest anyone or clear the encampment, simply to separate both opposing protest groups.

— Anthony Cabassa (@AnthonyCabassa_) May 1, 2024

Thank heavens we have the sensible Iranians -- ready, willing and able to step in to offer scholarships to the men, women and nonbinary activists who got kicked out of school for literally taking over campuses and clashing with both police and innocent Jewish students.

Of course, there may be a few issues here.

For instance, Iranian authorities aren't exactly known for their tolerance of dissent.

As Amnesty International noted, when students at Shiraz University joined a wave of protests in 2010 over the results of a contested election widely believed to be rigged, "[r]eports say that several students were beaten and around 100 were detained" and that one might have even been killed.

A previous protest in 2008 saw numerous students arrested and dragged before revolutionary courts, Radio Free Europe reported. So, you know, "pigs go home!" probably won't work quite as well on the IRGC as it does on police here.

But, hey: At least these students will be attending a university in the state sponsor of terrorism which reportedly trained Hamas before the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.

They'll be experiencing exactly the kind of reality they've demonstrated, through their actions, that they wish to impose on the Middle East, particularly residents of the Jewish state of Israel.

Just don't go looking for the LGBTQIA+ safe space on Shiraz's campus, because I don't think you'll have any luck in that department.