Israel president: US campuses 'contaminated by hatred, anti-Semitism'

Israeli President Isaac Herzog has issued a message of support to Jewish communities around the world in response to a "dramatic resurgence in anti-Semitism" and the "intimidation" of Jewish students on some protest-hit US university campuses.

Herzog focused on the unrest, fuelled by the war in Gaza, that has rocked universities like Columbia in New York and the University of California, Los Angeles, where violent clashes broke out between opposing sides and police moved in to clear pro-Palestinian demonstrators' encampments.

The protests against Israel's war in Gaza have taken dark turns at times, including individuals making anti-Semitic and inflammatory remarks that have left some Jewish students feeling unsafe. Even so, there are also Jewish students among the protesters expressing solidarity with the plight of the Palestinians.

"I say to you: The people of Israel are with you," Herzog said in a statement. "We hear you. We see the shameless hostility and threats. We feel the insult, the breach of faith and breach of friendship. We share the apprehension and concern."

"We see prominent academic institutions, halls of history, culture, and education, contaminated by hatred and anti-Semitism fuelled by arrogance and ignorance, and driven by moral failings and disinformation. We watch in horror as the atrocities of October 7 against Israel are celebrated and justified," he continued.

"As they chant for intifada and genocide, we will work – together – to free our hostages held by Hamas, and fight for civil liberties and our right to believe and belong, for the right to live proudly, peacefully and securely, as Jews, as Israelis – anywhere."

The university protests against the Gaza war have included calls for a new intifada, or a violent Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation. A banner to this effect was unfurled by demonstrators at Columbia University in Manhattan, for example, on an occupied building.

"In the face of this terrifying resurgence of anti-Semitism: Do not fear. Stand proud. Stand strong for your freedom. Israel stands with you. Israel cares for you. We care for you. We are here for you," Herzog finished.