Why Thursday is the luckiest day of the week, according to an astrologer

If you are putting off taking a risk or playing with the idea of splashing some major cash, an astrologer has argued there is no better day than Thursday.

Reda Wigle is a writer, astrologer, and Taurus who regularly writes content for publications like The New York Post. Through her work, Reda regularly offers advice to readers while also applying astrological practices to some of the most notable celebs like Rihanna, Madonna, The Kardashians, and the many casts of Bravo TV shows.

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Why is Thursday the luckiest day?

In her latest article for The New York Post, Reda outlined a few of the reasons why Thursday is the luckiest day of the week. Sadly, it has nothing to do with the fact that Saturday is just 48 hours later.

“Thursday translates to ‘Thor’s-day,’ named in honor of the Norse god of thunder, a deity closely akin to Jupiter, aka Zeus, aka the god of lightning, aka the king of kings, swan seducer, and father slayer,” she began.

In the world of astrology, Jupiter is a planet associated with luck, levity, expansion, epic journeys, and enduring optimism.

Reda continued: “Jupiter is the drunk uncle of the planetary lineup, equal parts vital and jovial, bestowing blessings, urging us to believe that the best is yet to come, and egging everyone to drink heartily from the cup of life with the promise that it will be refilled to the brim for our benefit.

“In ancient statuary, Jupiter/Zeus is oft depicted holding an overflowing, curiously phallic cornucopia or horn of plenty. This symbol of never-ending nourishment reminds us that a scarcity mindset has no place at the table of dreams.”

Interestingly, Reda wrote that a few notable American moments have happened on a Thursday. The Declaration of Independence was officially adopted on Jupiter’s Day, as was the Bill of Rights, and Thanksgiving.

Credit: Unsplash/Josh Rangel

How to make the most of lucky Thursday

Thankfully, Reda had a few tips for properly squeezing the luck out of Thursday including the simple act of counting your blessings. She further urged readers to expand their minds through “educational pursuits”, which could mean signing up for an online course or finally making the college plunge.

If you’re not in the mood for hour-long lectures and chunky student debt, then you could seek guidance from spiritual leaders or sit in on ceremonies.

But the Thursday motivation doesn’t stop there, as you could also use the luckiest day to plan big-picture moments and storyboard the next steps in your life.