Prince Harry is 'spitting his dummy out of the pram' over security battle, blasts Nana Akua

GBN America host Nana Akua has claimed that Prince Harry is "spitting his dummy out of the pram" over his security arrangements in the UK.

Nana told GBNA: "It's his first visit to the UK after he lost his High Court appeal on his security arrangements.

"I mean, the way he went on about it, you'd think that he was given no protection whatsoever? That simply isn't true.

"His round-the-clock police protection was removed because he's no longer a working royal, his own choice. But he will still have security.

"Besides, doesn't he fly pretty much everywhere on a private jet these days? He's as safe as houses. He was just spitting his dummy out of the pram over all of this."