Dementia Action Week: Support and advice for Bishop’s Stortford sufferers and their families

Home Instead East Herts and Uttlesford has pledged to distribute 1,000 checklists to mark Dementia Action Week.

The Alzheimer’s Society’s advice helps families to seek an early diagnosis and receive support before the disease progresses.

It lists typical symptoms, and the elderly, or their loved ones, can fill it in and show it to a GP or healthcare professional.

Home Instead boss David Bassett

David Bassett, owner of Home Instead East Hertfordshire and Uttlesford, said: “Some people have difficulty receiving a dementia diagnosis, for a number of reasons.

“Perhaps the GP thinks that the person is simply showing signs of old age rather than dementia. And maybe their loved one doesn’t think they’ve developed the condition.

“The dementia checklist is such a useful tool to demonstrate the common signs your loved one is showing, from asking the same question repeatedly to struggling to find the right word.

East Herts Dementia Friendly Action Group

“Getting an early diagnosis is important, and that’s the message we’re spreading when out in the community to mark Dementia Action Week (May 13 to 19).

“It might be that your loved one can get treatment to prevent it from progressing further. Or they might benefit from joining a local support group. Finding out at an early stage stands you in great stead to face the challenges of dementia together.”

Home Instead’s dementia training programme is City & Guilds assured and has won a Princess Royal Training Award.

On Thursday May 16, from 11am to 1pm, there will be help and advice on offer from East Herts Dementia Friendly Action Group at the New Apton Centre in Apton Road, Bishop’s Stortford.

David said: “Everyone is invited to join us for a friendly chat and to offer support to one another, and we’ll have refreshments available for everyone.”