SpaceX Falcon 9 carrier flash occured over Ukraine - The Alpha Centauri

Over Ukraine, there was a flash of the SpaceX Falcon 9 carrier (photo:

In some cities in Ukraine, flashes and colored skies were observed in the sky. Later, it became known that this was the second stage of the Falcon 9 rocket, according to The Alpha Centauri and SpaceX company

"Again, mysterious objects in the Ukrainian sky! Over some regions of the country, the second stage of the Falcon 9 rocket, which launched two WorldView Legion satellites, could be seen," The Alpha Centauri page reported.

Знову таємничі об'єкти в українському небі! Над деякими регіонами країни можна було побачити другий ступінь носія Falcon 9, що запустив два супутники WorldView Legion.

— The Alpha Centauri (@theACentauri) May 2, 2024

In some regions of Ukraine, residents witnessed the northern lights.

Later, the service determined the launch trajectory.

"According to today's launch trajectory, it can be seen that around 22:50 Kyiv time, the second stage of the Falcon 9 was exactly where this object was observed in the sky - in the northwest," The Alpha Centauri page reported.

Photo: the trajectory of the second stage of Falcon 9 (

SpaceX has confirmed the deployment of two WorldView Legion satellites.

"Deployment of first two WorldView Legion satellites confirmed," SpaceX announced.

SpaceX technologies

We also reported that SpaceX launched a new communications satellite into orbit at the end of February.