Trump confirmed this week he 'wanted to be the leader of the insurrection': CNN panel

Pro-Trump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol following a rally with President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.. - Samuel Corum/Getty Images North America/TNS

Former Bush speechwriter David Frum on Friday argued that former President Donald Trump all but admitting this week that he wanted to lead a war against the American constitutional order.

Appearing on CNN, Frum commented on Trump saying during a campaign rally that he wanted to be driven to the United States Capitol building to be with his supporters who would go on to break into the building, chant for the hanging of Vice President Mike Pence, and send lawmakers fleeing for their lives.

"He intended to go put himself at the head of this mob that was attacking the Capitol and lead the insurrection in person, lead the attack on the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and his own vice president in person," said Frum. "We now have it out of his own mouth: Yes, he wanted to be the leader of this insurrection."

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CNN political commentator Ashley Allison argued that Trump's comments raise the possibility of further political violence in the coming election.

"If he does not win this election, we should be very concerned for how the election gets certified," she said. "He might... charge his supporters to take actions into their own hands. We have seen it play out before, we should be on alert, we should make sure that election workers are protected, that they're able to do their jobs, that voters are able to go cast their votes."

Allison concluded by saying that Americans as a whole needed to put their foot down when it came to Trump's efforts to wreck a nearly 250-year-old republic.

"It is going to require Americans to stand up to Donald Trump finally, not just Democrats and not some Republicans, but people in the Republican Party to say, 'We love our country and our Constitution and our democracy more than than this man,'" she said. "We will not let him destroy it like he tried to on January 6th."

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Trump confirmed this week he 'wanted to be the leader of the insurrection'

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