Netflix star's weight loss transformation story reminds fans of popular TV series character

The Circle’s Jordan underwent a rapid weight loss transformation four years ago. He’s catfishing his co-stars and set out to befriend Myles Reed, but fans believe he sees the co-star as his ‘old self’.

As he tries to win over his fellow influencers and win The Circle‘s huge money prize, Jordan is channelling his “old self” and playing the game. He once weighed 300lbs before undergoing weight loss.

Credit: Netflix/The Circle

The Circle’s Jordan undergoes weight loss

The Circle season 6 star Jordan, 24, is a photographer from Austin, Texas, who underwent a weight loss transformation four years ago. He once weighed over 300lbs but lost a whopping 100lbs.

After dropping the pounds, Jordan claims he “now has the confidence” and entered The Circle as Big J – what he looked like before his weight loss journey all those years ago.

He said getting on the show as his old self would help him hide his strategy thanks to his “friendly face.” But fans are convinced he has a lot of healing to do as he often talks about his old self in a negative way.

Jordan’s story reminds fans of TV series

Netflix viewers have launched a Reddit discussion claiming Jordan’s weight loss story and character remind them of New Girl character, Schmidt, who grew up larger and has since dropped pounds.

One fan wrote, “His body changed but he’s still in his “victim era”. I believe Myles is either the embodiment of who he wants to be, someone who can connect with everyone.”

A fellow fan penned, “I think Jordan is jealous of Myles. The way he refers to himself as Big Jay and acts like he was a character before the weight loss is weird to me.”

He targets co-star Myles Reed

When Jordan made Myles – the first contestant he spoke with after entering the game – his target the second he entered The Circle. Jordan got the impression Myles was a powerful cast member.

Due to Myles’ ability to block players after being voted the “most human” contestant, Jordan admitted he wanted his power and targeted him, placing Myles fourth since he didn’t want him high in the rankings.


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