Video footage of Asian man beating two Africans sparks racism comments online

Video footage of Asian man beating two Africans sparks racism comments online ©provided by Business Insider Africa

A video of African employees being assaulted physically by an Asian man has gone viral on the Internet. The video, posted by Dom Lucre on X, shows an Asian man yelling at two Africans before proceeding to wield a stick, repeatedly striking the workers as they attempt to shield themselves from harm.

Business Insider Africa has yet to verify the authenticity of the video, which has received nearly 12 million views, sparked outrage on social media and ignited racist comments.

Lucre, the X user who shared the video, wrote in the caption: “This disturbing footage of a Chinese employer in Africa treating his employees like Trans Atlantic slaves is going viral across the internet. Viewers have begun discussing how it appears the Chinese are ‘far more racist than the White man’ in Africa.

Watch the video here:

“Everyone rails against America while completely ignoring the human rights abuses going on all over the world,” commented one user.

“Slavery still exists. The West makes a massive fuss about slavery that happened 200 years ago in America. They don't talk about the Slavery taking place all over the world right now,” said another.

“I keep telling people they haven't seen what racism is until they go to Eastern Europe or Asia. The USA is so tame in comparison.” a third user said.

According to global news agency ANI, there have been multiple instances of ill-treatment of African workers by Chinese project managers.

Last year, VOA reported that a court in Rwanda sentenced a Chinese man, Sun Shujun, to 20 years in jail last month after he was found guilty of whipping. In 2021, a Kenyan worker was awarded more than $25,000 by a court after his Chinese employer severely beat him. The Kenyan court found that the man had suffered extreme abuse.