NBA Star Pat Beverley Caught on Camera Pelting Opposing Fans During Playoff Loss: 'He's Gonna Get Suspended'

Chaz NBA / YouTube screen shot

The Milwaukee Bucks’ season ended on a sour note Thursday as the team lost its first-round series to the Indiana Pacers and guard Patrick Beverley twice threw a basketball at fans.

A video clip showed Beverley interacting with a group of fans with 2:32 left in the fourth quarter and his team down by 20 points.

He tossed a ball that struck a woman in the head and then appeared to call on those around her to return it to him.

A man who was next to the woman who was hit then said something to Beverley while the two had what looked like a cordial exchange.

The Indiana fan tossed the ball back over gently to Beverley, only to have it directed at him a second later.

The Bucks guard launched the ball at the man with much greater force than he used during his first throw.

During "Inside the NBA" on TNT, host Ernie Johnson tried his best not to speculate on why Beverley did what he did or what might come from the incident.

But Charles Barkley wasted no time predicting Beverley was going to face some serious consequences.

“He hit that lady in the head. ... He gone. He’s gonna get suspended," the Hall of Famer said.

Kenny Smith commented that he thought Beverley had attempted to hit the man with both throws and that the woman might have been collateral damage.

“You can’t hit no lady. Ever,” Barkley replied.

"Listen, I've done stupid stuff and I got criticized,” he continued. “That's just wrong. He's gonna get suspended for that. And that's gonna be a good one, too, ’cause he didn't do it once. He did it twice.”