‘Come up a level’: Pundit says ‘gifted’ Arsenal player has improved so much recently

Arsenal have got better and better as the season has gone on.

The Gunners were solid if unspectacular at the beginning of the campaign. They edged through games a lot at the beginning of the season relying on late goals against the likes of Manchester United and Luton to get important wins.

Then, over the festive period, Arsenal had a serious dip, losing to the likes of West Ham and Fulham, but since the turn of the year, the Gunners have been almost untouchable.

Indeed, Arsenal have bulldozed almost every team in their path in recent weeks, and it’s fair to say Mikel Arteta’s side have seriously improved.

It’s no coincidence that Arsenal’s upturn in form has coincided with a serious improvement from Kai Havertz, and speaking on The Game Football Podcast, Tony Cascarino has noted just how much Havertz has improved recently.

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Kai Havertz has seriously improved

Cascarino spoke about Havertz and how he has improved lately.

“Chelsea fans weren’t moaning or complaining at all. He’s one of those players who’s hard to pigeon-hole in a position,” Cascarino said.

“You have to say he’s technically very gifted, he’s reliable, he’s a moments player where every now and then he can remind you how good he can be. He’s improved over the season.

“In the early months at Arsenal we saw the Chelsea player that Chelsea fans witnessed, but what’s happened in recent weeks is he’s just come up a level.”

Kai Havertz has been unlocked

Kai Havertz has been an enigma of a player for a long time.

The German has shown glimpses of quality for years at Chelsea playing in all sorts of different roles, but he could never quite find the right level of consistency or a position to call his own.

Now though, Havertz seems to have found the right role and he’s playing with serious confidence.

For the first time in a long time, Kai Havertz has been unlocked, and we’re excited for what the future holds for the German at the Emirates.