‘There was nothing’: Glenn Hoddle says £40m Tottenham player was pretty much useless against Chelsea

Tottenham have hit a rotten run of form in the Premier League.

Spurs have now won just two of their last seven league games and their hopes of playing in the Champions League next season seem to be all but over.

Tottenham’s poor run of form has coincided with a dip from one of their most important players.

Indeed, James Maddison has been way off his A-game since the turn of the year, and speaking on Premier League Productions after Tottenham’s 2-0 loss to Chelsea, Glenn Hoddle has given a damning verdict on Maddison.

The pundit stated that Maddison didn’t bring anything to the game against Chelsea, highlighting his poor end product as a particular issue.

Photo by Robbie Jay Barratt – AMA/Getty Images

Glenn Hoddle criticises James Maddison

Hoddle spoke about Maddison and his lacklustre performance against Chelsea.

“None of them did, Bentancur had a couple of chances and he didn’t have his shooting boots on today. Maddison got on the ball, but there was nothing, there was no end product, that was Tottenham, that summed them up,” Hoddle said.

James Maddison needs to improve

Sadly, this has become an all-to-recognisable trait in James Maddison’s game.

Maddison, for one reason or another, always seems to wilt towards the end of a season.

It’s a trait that was first spotted when he was at Leicester City, and it’s carried through at Tottenham.

It could be a fitness issue or it could be a confidence issue, but for some reason, Maddison is nowhere near the level he was earlier this season.

Tottenham still have an outside chance of finishing in the top four this season, but if they are to do so, the £40m England international needs to buck up his ideas and get back playing his best football very soon.